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Англо-русский строительный словарь - government


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Перевод с английского языка government на русский


1) правительство

2) управление, руководство

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  штат ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  annuity государственная рента GOVERNMENT house noun официальная резиденция губернатора GOVERNMENT issue казенного образца [см. тж. GI ] GOVERNMENT loan государственный заем GOVERNMENT noun  1) правительство - organs of government - general government - responsible government - invisible government  2) форма правления  3) управление - local government  4) провинция (управляемая губернатором)  5) gram. управление ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. (часто G.) правительство puppet government —- марионеточное правительство Liberal government —- либеральное правительство invisible government —- невидимое правительство; силы, стоящие за спиной правительства government offices —- правительственные учреждения government party —- правительственная (правящая) партия Her Majesty's G. —- правительство Ее Величества (в Великобритании) to form the government —- сформировать правительство to dissolve the government —- распустить (расформировать) правительство the government fell —- правительство пало 2. форма правления democratic government —- демократическая форма правления constitutional government —- конституционная форма правления 3. управление, руководство local government —- местное самоуправление the government of a state —- управление государством the form of government —- форма управления, режим a system of government —- система управления organs of government —- органы государственного управления to resign one's government to smb. —- передать руководство кому-л. 4. провинция (управляемая губернатором); штат 5. грам. управление 6. pl. фин. профес. государственные ценные бумаги Id: petticoat government —- женское засилье Id: under petticoat government —- под башмаком у жены ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  полит. система правления (система государственной власти) Применительно к США часто неверно переводится как "правительство". Понятие, которое относится к трем ветвям власти - законодательной, исполнительной и судебной, а также к нескольким уровням государственного управления: национальному (федеральному), штатному state, муниципальному municipal, а также к уровню округа county и застроечного участка ("тауншипа") congressional township, школьного округа school district и др. специальных округов ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  сущ. 1) пол. правительство (высший орган исполнительной власти в стране) to overthrow a government — свергнуть правительство to set up a government — сформировать правительство Syn: administration, governmental authority See: "bank of government 2) общ. власти; государство (как институт) government-guaranteed — гарантированный государством See: government payroll, government pension 3) пол. администрация (района, города т. п.) recipient government — дотационная администрация 4) пол. правление, форма правления authoritarian government — авторитарное правление 5) упр. управление, руководство (чаще всего в государственной сфере) 6) общ. губерния, провинция (территория, управляемая губернатором) 7) пол., мн. органы государственного муниципального управления The Council of Governments is a voluntary organization of municipal and county governments in North Carolina. — Совет штата представляет из себя добровольную организацию муниципальных и государственных органов управления. 8) мн., эк. ="government security GOVERNMENT сущ. 1) правительство 2) форма правления 3) управление, руководство 4) провинция (управляемая губернатором) 5) штат • - Government Purchases - at government expense - bank to government - carpet-bag government - central government - change of government - city government - coalition government - constitutional government - debt to the government - federal government - form the government - government agency - government...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  n. 1 the act or manner of governing. 2 the system by which a State or community is governed. 3 a a body of persons governing a State. b (usu. Government) a particular ministry in office. 4 the State as an agent. 5 Gram. the relation between a governed and a governing word. Phrases and idioms Government House the official residence of a governor. government issue US (of equipment) provided by the government. government paper (or securities) bonds etc. issued by the government. government surplus unused equipment sold by the government. Derivatives governmental adj. governmentally adv. Etymology: ME f. OF governement (as GOVERN) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Usage: often attributive  Date: 14th century  1. the act or process of governing; specifically authoritative direction or control  2. obsolete moral conduct or behavior ; discretion  3.  a. the office, authority, or function of governing  b. obsolete the term during which a governing official holds office  4. the continuous exercise of authority over and the performance of functions for a political unit ; rule  5.  a. the organization, machinery, or agency through which a political unit exercises authority and performs functions and which is usually classified according to the distribution of power within it  b. the complex of political institutions, laws, and customs through which the function of governing is carried out  6. the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization: as  a. the officials comprising the governing body of a political unit and constituting the organization as an active agency  b. capitalized the executive branch of the United States federal ~  c. capitalized a small group of persons holding simultaneously the principal political executive offices of a nation or other political unit and being responsible for the direction and supervision of public affairs:  (1) such a group in a parliamentary system constituted by the cabinet or by the ministry  (2) administration 4b  7. political science  • ~al adjective  • ~alize transitive verb  • ~ally adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (governments) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The government of a country is the group of people who are responsible for governing it. The Government has insisted that confidence is needed before the economy can improve. ...democratic governments in countries like Britain and the US. ...fighting between government forces and left-wing rebels. N-COUNT-COLL 2. Government consists of the activities, methods, and principles involved in governing a country or other political unit. The first four years of government were completely disastrous. ...our system of government. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 also Government the group of people who govern a country or state  (The new military government does not have popular support.)  (also + plural v)  (The Government are planning further cuts in public spending. | government policy/funding/statistics)  (Government statistics show an increase in unemployment. | form a government (=become the government after an election in a parliamentary system))  (Which party will form the next goverment? | under a government (=during the period of a government))  (changes in policy under the last Labour government) 2 a form or system of government  (the return to democratic government | local government (=the government of towns, cities etc) | central government (=the government of a whole country)) 3 the act or process of governing  (Government has been entrusted to the elected politicians. | be in government (=be governing a country))  (How long have the Christian Democrats been in government?) 4 especially AmE the degree to which the government controls economic and social activities  (a pledge of less government and greater personal freedom) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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